+31 (0)6 50 277 344 info@triplea-security.org


-Triple A Security-

Testimonials from our customers

Voor Atradius heeft Triple A Security via BSI Nederland een maatwerk business continuity awareness workshop opgesteld en gefaciliteerd. De doelgroep was achteraf zeer te spreken over de inhoud en de dynamiek van de trainer en de workshops .


Voor KPN en E-plus maatwerk trainingen verzorgd aangaande informatiebeveiliging en business continuity management met als basis de ISO 27001 en ISO 22301 normen. In de trainingen zijn de eigen aanpak en de templates van KPN verwerkt zodat de training 3 doelen heeft bereikt: 1. Awareness creëren 2. ISO 27001 en 22301 introductie bij aanwezigen 3. De positie en het toepassen van de eigen templates binnen de aanpak van de ISO 27001 en ISO 22301. Door in de training ruimte te laten voor dialoog afgewisseld met theorie en praktijkcases is er optimaal rendement behaald uit deze trainingen. Kenmerkende woorden in de feedback: enerverend, praktisch en verhelderend. Henny draagt met passie zijn vakkennis uit.

KPN & E-Plus

In onze weg naar het behalen van onze ISO 27001;2013 certificering, hebben wij vanaf het begin Triple A Security als consultants gevraagd ons te begeleiden om de ISO 27001 werk- en denkwijze te implementeren binnen onze organiatie. Dat is een hele goede zet geweest. Adequaat, deskundig, behulpzaam, proactief en snel. Termen die precies weergeven hoe wij de samenwerking met Triple A Security hebben ervaren.


At KVGM, we like to work Inside-out. We put the organisation first and work towards the standard requirements. To do this, you need to know the standard requirements very well. Not only the requirements themselves, but also the intentions and the translation into practice. That is why we regularly gain knowledge from other experts. Henny is a regular partner of ours who we like to use for training and sparring. With his enthusiasm, he knows how to touch us and the excellent discussions make us smarter.



Triple A Security developed and supervised a crisis management exercise for Interconnect. Goal was to test their own emergency plan, internal communication and decision making during a crisis situation. Together with two employees from Interconnect a crisis scenario was developed with several sub-cases which were simulated as realistic as possible during the exercise.

The reactions of all those involved, including management: “Tiring but fun, useful and educational! Highly recommended for everyone who wants to test as realistically as possible whether the plans drawn up and the crisis organisation are ready to deal with a real calamity. This has been talked about internally for a long time.”


Henny Raadschilders is affiliated to the BSI as a trainer and as Technical Expert (TE) for (certification) audits. As a dedicated trainer for the ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 BSI courses, Henny receives an average of 4.7 (on a scale of 5) from participants. Through his years of experience and passion for the subjects, Henny enthusiastically conveys the teaching material. By supplementing these with practical examples, Henny makes the theory come alive for the participants so they can immediately implement what they have learned. ​​And thus get the most out of the training. As a Technical Expert, Henny knows how to fairly challenge the party and the subject in scope of the audit in the disciplines of information security and continuity management.  Henny’s many years of expertise also benefit here considerably.

BSI Nederland

“The BCM training provided is insightful, it helps give a clear understanding of the ISO 22301 requirements and the mindset transformation it requires. Henny is a very available trainer who makes this training very interactive and personalised “
P. Leens.